Congrats - Claudette Crouch

Congratulations to Claudette Crouch (QMS & Training Officer - HQ) and Matthew Vancoillie on your recent engagement.

As most people might know is that Claudette has been dating Matthew for 6 years and for the last few years everyone has been hoping Matthew would "pop the question" - WELL HE FINALLY DID!

Here is the engagement story;

On the morning of our 6year anniversary (23 Nov) we woke up early and Matthew asked if he could bring our dog Evie to come cuddle with me (I love cuddles) so he brought her. I felt something on her neck, a ribbon... Wondered what it was and felt a piece of metal and asked him what it was... Matthew stared at me and said "Will you marry me" - I blabbed, cried and hugged him... After a few minutes I asked him "did I say yes?" He said "you said allot but not yes" - So I said YES a zillion times!!