Fullife Coach Says


1. I should get a proper job…
There are many people who have a 'proper' job but are miserable. What is a proper job anyway? Working for 40 years for one company then getting a gold watch when you retire? Or working 10 hour days for an OK salary for a company  you don't care for, in a position you loathe? 

I understand we all have responsibilities and I am in NO way saying we need to shirk these, but you can have a job that you love and still be responsible. You spend 70 % of your life at work – it should be something you enjoy. It should be something you're good at. It should bring you fulfillment as well as the salary and gold watch. If you are unsure about how to go about this read "How to Find Your Dream Job".

2. I should be more realistic…
Growing up we all had dreams – dreams of being an actress, a fashion designer, a ballerina, an astronaut, president, CEO, chef etc. However these dreams were often dashed (usually by well-meaning individuals) with the words "You should be more realistic!"

UGH! Thank goodness Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Barack Obama, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Shuttleworth, Natalie du Toit, Lewis Pugh didn't listen to their advice… I hate to break it to those "well-meaning individuals" but nothing great was ever created by a realist!

Once again I am not saying you quit your job and move to Hollywood. There is a path to success that even Un-realists need to follow, but "being realistic" is so below the realm of what really is possible. Whenever we have a dream or an idea, "being realistic" pounds us over the head and we stop before we even get started.

How is being a realist helping you? Could you benefit from expanding your view of what is possible? 

I challenge you to become un-realistic. Start living a life beyond what seems to be possible and see how your life grows and expands.

3. I should be 'there' or have 'this' by now…

Life is unpredictable. Many of us are not where we think we should be by now. That's OK.

I too am not where I "should" be, but thank God I am not where I used to be. The challenges, the wrong choices, the ups, the downs, have created the person I am today.

If you are not where you think you should be, then start thinking consciously about where you want to be. Create a vision for your life and ask yourself powerful questions, such as "What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail? What is my purpose? What do I want to be remembered for?"

You can't change the past but you can influence the present. Don't beat yourself up about the wrong decisions, bad choices or silly mistakes you've made. Rather acknowledge where you have come from, focus on what you have done right (instead of wrong) and be kinder to yourself.

If you need a little help with this, create a Victory Log for 2012 or if you're really struggling, do it for the past 5 years. List everything you are proud of achieving, doing, seeing and being. Stick it up where you can see it and every time you feel bad about where you think you should be – read it out loud and give yourself a pat of the back.

I wish you a life filled with Purpose, Passion and Possibility (something you should have).

Written by Jacqui O’Bree (Fullife Coach www.fullife-coach.com)
Jacqui O’Bree is the owner of Fullife Coaching and a qualified Life Coach. Her vision is to help people live with Purpose, Passion and Possibility in both their personal and professional lives. Jacqui runs group workshops and offers one-on-one coaching, with a special focus on career, parenting, work/ life balance, and financial freedom. Jacqui is a regular contributor to magazines and a popular speaker at events. She resides in Fourways, Johannesburg. You can contact her on jacqui@fullife-coach.com or visit www.fullife-coach.com