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Monday 08 October 2012
Is Failure your Friend or Foe?
Along any journey there will be bumpy roads and smooth rides, sunny weather and dark storms. Even when you decide to start living your dream, it doesn’t automatically make the journey easy. In fact in can often be more challenging, as we head into the unknown and take the ‘road less traveled’.
When we fail at something it helps us determine how badly we wanted it in the first place. If something doesn’t work out how you had planned, you have 2 choices - give up or try again.
Along any journey there will be bumpy roads and smooth rides, sunny weather and dark storms. Even when you decide to start living your dream, it doesn’t automatically make the journey easy. In fact in can often be more challenging, as we head into the unknown and take the ‘road less traveled’.
Failure is a dirty word that comes up quite often in life’s journey, so how do we deal with it?
1. Failure is just a word - you give it the definition
Many of us have been raised in homes where failure is this big scary word that doesn’t come up in conversation. Failure is something to be feared, something to avoid and most importantly something we never want to encounter. It’s a word that brings dread, tears and disappointment.
But that’s just it - it’s just a word!
If you want to live a full life, it’s important to examine how you view failure. Failure can be good in many ways. We need to stop running away from it. When failure arises we need to look at it straight in the eyes, learn from it then let it go and move on.
2. Failure is inevitable - so embrace it
Failure is inevitable. So instead of running away from it, being embarrassed by it, or hiding from it, we should just reside to the fact that along any journey we will encounter some sort of failure. It’s just part of the process and nothing to be feared.
Most people don’t live their dreams because they are afraid of failure. Don’t let failure hold you back! Start seeing failure for what it truly is - a teacher, a motivator, a reason to succeed.
3. Failure is our greatest teacher - learn from it
Failure has many valuable lessons hidden inside of it. You just need to ask the right questions. When we fail at something, many of us would prefer never to talk about it. We would prefer to bury our feelings deep inside our subconscious and quickly move on.
The biggest mistake we can make is not taking the time to learn from our failures.
Ask yourself, what is the biggest lesson this experience has taught me? What can I do differently next time? How is this failure a positive step along my journey? What am I grateful for?
4. Failure means you are taking action - carry on
It’s much easier to sit on the sidelines than play the game. Those who risk nothing, have nothing! It takes a certain amount of risk to live your dreams, and with risk there is a chance of failure.
So if things don’t go exactly how you had planned, view this failure as a reminder that you are a brave, courageous person who is daring to live their dreams and not satisfied with being average.
There are far too many people sitting on the sidelines, blaming failure for keeping them there.
5. Failure shows you how badly you want something - don’t give up
When we fail at something it helps us determine how badly we wanted it in the first place. If something doesn’t work out how you had planned, you have 2 choices - give up or try again.
If giving up comes too easy, then you know you have embarked on this journey for the wrong reasons. Perhaps it wasn’t in line with your values, or perhaps it was someone else’s dream and not your own. Examine why giving up is so easy.
Conversely if this failure/ obstacle breaks your heart and keeps you up at night, you know it’s something you really want, and you need to look at new ways of achieving your goal.
6. The great success stories in life stem from some of the greatest failures.
6. The great success stories in life stem from some of the greatest failures.
Take Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, for example. He dropped out of college after 6 months. After starting Apple in his garage and working hard for ten years, he launched the Macintosh. In those 10 years he built Apple into a $2 billion business. And then he got fired!
“I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over. I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.”
During the next 5 years, Steve Jobs started NeXT and Pixar, which went on to create the worlds first computer animated film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a strange turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, and Steve returned to Apple. Steve Jobs experienced failure many times over but it's his view of failure that made him a success.
Bill Cosby failed the 10th grade and dropped out of high school to join the Navy. While he was recovering from being injured in the Korean War, he observed how his fellow navy officers were studying and focused on personal growth. He decided to finish his high school diploma via correspondence.
Google has had many successes behind their name, but have also had many failures. The company launched Google Wave, a web application designed to integrate email, social networking, and instant messaging; but decided to shut it down, less than a year after its launch.
During the next 5 years, Steve Jobs started NeXT and Pixar, which went on to create the worlds first computer animated film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a strange turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, and Steve returned to Apple. Steve Jobs experienced failure many times over but it's his view of failure that made him a success.
Bill Cosby failed the 10th grade and dropped out of high school to join the Navy. While he was recovering from being injured in the Korean War, he observed how his fellow navy officers were studying and focused on personal growth. He decided to finish his high school diploma via correspondence.
When he finished in the navy he applied for Temple University where he was awarded a track and field scholarship. Although his tuition was paid for, Cosby took a job as a bartender to pay for his room and board. The customers loved his wit and humor and demanded to hear more of his jokes. As word spread about the comical bartender, opportunities came for Cosby to entertain audiences as a paid comedian.
As his popularity grew, Cosby faced a choice: should he stay in school or pursue a career in comedy? He agonized over the choice, but decided to drop out of school for the second time in his life, which many people saw as a failure.
However he quickly attained fame as a stand-up comedian, then as a movie actor, followed by the famous Cosby Show. He has gone on to author many books, finished college and now has an education fund for the underprivileged.
Google has had many successes behind their name, but have also had many failures. The company launched Google Wave, a web application designed to integrate email, social networking, and instant messaging; but decided to shut it down, less than a year after its launch.
Google CEO Eric Schmidt said; "We celebrate our failures. This is a company where it's absolutely okay to try something that's very hard, have it not be successful, and take the learning from that."
I wish you a life filled with Purpose, Passion & Possibility
I wish you a life filled with Purpose, Passion & Possibility
Jacqui O’Bree is the owner of Fullife Coaching and a
qualified Life Coach. Her vision is to help people live with Purpose, Passion
and Possibility in both their personal and professional lives. Jacqui runs group
workshops and offers one-on-one coaching, with a special focus on career,
parenting, work/ life balance, and financial freedom. Jacqui is a regular
contributor to magazines and a popular speaker at events. She resides in
Fourways, Johannesburg. You can contact her on or visit
Congratulations - Lonmin (LTI)
Well done to all staff at the Lonmin site in Rustenburg - they have achieved as of today (26 September 2012) a
Total of 100 982 LTI FREE HOURS
Total of 100 982 LTI FREE HOURS
Keep up the good and safe team work !!
Smiling Lowers Stress
Smiling lowers stress levels
Stressed out? Turn that frown upside down and you might just feel
better, new research contends.
Researchers at the University of
Kansas subjected college students to anxiety-inducing
tasks and found that those
who smiled through them appeared to have less stress.
The study, led by research
psychologists Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman, is scheduled for publication in Psychological
"Age-old adages, such as
'grin and bear it,' have suggested smiling to be not only an important
nonverbal indicator of happiness but also wishfully promotes smiling as a
panacea for life's stressful events," Kraft said
in a journal news release. "We wanted to examine whether these adages had
scientific merit; whether smiling could have real health-relevant benefits."
How the study was done
How the study was done
To do so, they had 169
university students engage in tasks known to induce stress, such as
tracing a star using their non-dominant hand while looking at a reflection of
the star in a mirror. Another task had the participants plunge their hand into
icy water.
The students performed these
tasks under three conditions: not smiling; being explicitly instructed to
smile; and while holding chopsticks in their mouth in a way that forced the
face to smile.
The researchers included the
chopsticks condition because they wanted to gauge the effect of
"genuine" smiling (which involves the muscles around the mouth and
eyes), and so-called "standard" smiles, which involve only the
muscles around the mouth -- the kind of smile induced by the chopsticks.
Kraft and Pressman used heart
rate measurements and self-reported stress levels to assess how perturbed the
participants were during the tasks.
What the study found
What the study found
The study found that
participants who wore any kind of smile were less stressed during the tasks
than those with neutral facial expressions, and stress levels dipped especially
low for folks with "genuine" smiles.
According to the authors, this
means that even forcing a smile during an unpleasant task or experience might
actually lower your stress level, even if you're not feeling happy.
So, Pressman reasoned, "the
next time you are stuck in traffic or are experiencing some other type of
stress, you might try to hold your face in a smile for a moment. Not only will
it help you 'grin and bear it' psychologically, but it might actually help your
heart health as well."
Toolbox Talk 21-09-2012
The following safety hints are aimed at providing a potential hostage or
hijacking victim with practical advice and enhance road safety. It is important
to note that most hostages, victims of hijacking survive the incident and are
eventually released or rescued. In most instances, injuries and deaths are the
result of inconsiderate actions taken by the victims themselves. There are
certain guidelines that could increase a victim’s chances of survival and
decrease the risk of humiliation, discomfort and injury:
- People
who are taken hostage or hijacked, tend to experience feelings of anxiety,
shock, disbelief and confusion.
- This
first reaction usually leads to resistance, or retaliation which could
have fatal consequences.
- Prepare
yourself to be alone and isolated from your family, friends or loved ones,
and to lose track of time and place.
- They
could be tense, anxious and nervous.
- They
could display a tendency to overreact.
- Do
everything the perpetrators tell you to do.
- Try
at all times to maintain your pride, dignity and self-respect.
- Keep
your brain active by playing games in your mind (mind games), daydreaming
and reading whatever you are offered.
- To
maintain your physical strength you should eat the food provided by your
- Try
to maintain a sense of humor, but do not ridicule the aggressors.
- Try
to remain orientated regarding your movements, directions, time and place.
- Try
to maintain a routine and remain fit, if circumstances permit.
- Allow
yourself to be led by your captor(s).
- Try
to remain cool and calm.
- Fall
flat and remain down during the relieving attack
- Do
not at any time become panic stricken or hysterical.
- Do
not offer any form of resistance.
- Do
not become abusive and aggressive or lose your temper.
- Do
not threaten or provoke the captor(s).
- Do
not try to be a hero.
- Do
not engage in an argument with the captor(s).
- Do
not engage in any whispered conversations with the perpetrators.
- Do
not use foreign concepts or languages, as this could arouse the captors’
- Do
not make any demands.
- Do
not be sympathetic towards your captors’ cause.
- Do
not try to escape, as this could place you at risk.
These safety hints are published by the South
African Police Service, Division: Crime Prevention, in support of actions taken
by hostage negotiators in the best interest of the community.
QMS Training Results
Secunda Training Session - 17 to 20 September 2012
Setting up for Training Session to start
Group 1 - Test Session - Everyone hard at work tackling the test.
Group 1 - 19-09-2012
Back Row L to R
Renier Janse v Vuuren, Eugene Truter, Jannie van Zyl and Joseph Sikhosana
Front Row L to R
Reuben Soobramoney, Annelize vd Merwe and Jared Soobramoney
Renier Janse van Vuuren (Site Supervisor) - 92%
Eugene Truter (Instrument Technician) - 95%
Jannie van Zyl -(Site Agent) - 93%
Joseph Sikhosana (QC Instrumentation) - 90%
Reuben Soobramoney (Safety Officer) - 88%
Annelize vand Der Merwe (Site Admin) - 92%
Jarod Soonbramoney (Safety Officer) - 94%
Group 2 - 19-09-2012
Back Row L to R
Hannes Visser, Barend Otto and Albertus Kapp
Front Row L to R
Hernus du Plessis, Collin Forbes and Claude Corondimas
Hannes Visser (Site Supervisor) - 96%
Barend Otto (QA-QC) - 94%
Albertus Kapp (Boilermaker) - 85%
Hernus du Plessis (QC Assistant) - 94%
Collin Forbes (Storeman) - 85%
Claude Corondimas (Supervisor) - 95%
Staffed skipped out before getting a picture Taken;
JP Olivier (Safety Officer) - 90%
Estelle Boucher (Site Admin) - 97%
Sonnette van Zyl (HR Office Admin) - 98%
Gerhard Beneke (Site Manager) - 94%
Stefan Gouws (Site Agent) - 90%
Ian Barkley (QC) - 93%
Eugene Vermaak (Site Supervisor) - 87%
Training has been launched for all sites;
The following days have been
confirmed for various sites (venues listed)
- Please check with your Manager / Supervisor if your
attendance is required. -
If no training has been
arranged for your site, please arrange with your Manager / Supervisor and the
Training Officer to arrange Training Days.
Boardroom - (Unit 1) - 2 x FULL DAYS (2 Sessions)
25 & 26 September
Boardroom - 2 x FULL DAYS (2 Sessions)
Group 1 - 27 September & 01 October
Boardroom - (Unit 1) - 2 x FULL DAYS (2 Sessions)
25 & 26 September
Boardroom - 2 x FULL DAYS (2 Sessions)
Group 1 - 27 September & 01 October
Group 2 - 03 & 09 October
Boardroom (4 x Sessions)
15 to 19 October
QMS Training Results
Congratulations to the Head
Office Staff attending the Standard Procedure, Quality Policy Manual, QMS &
ISO Awareaness Training - 05-06 September
Christo van Jaarsveld (Head Office - Workshop Manager) -100%
Peter Lawrence (Expeditor) - 89%
Avinash Boodram (Assistant Buyer) - 95%
Peter Lawrence (Expeditor) - 89%
Avinash Boodram (Assistant Buyer) - 95%
From Left to
Christo van Jaarsveld, Peter Lawrence and Avinash Boodram.
TOOLBOX TALK - 14-09-2012
Mandatory seatbelt wearing for front seat passengers and drivers have
saved many lives but all road users are reminded of the vital need to belt up
in the back.

Buckle-up: seat belts save lives !!
Every year in South Africa around 10 000 people die and another 150 000
people are injured in road traffic accidents. Chilling figures, with the
December holidays upon us. The human loss is traumatic but the economic cost is
huge. The bills for police and emergency services, damage to vehicles and
property, and lost output cost the country an estimated R12 billion per annum.
There has to be a way to reduce this tragic toll of death and suffering.
Indeed, there is. And it only involves ten seconds of thought and action.
"Ten seconds that can save your live" is a simple, direct message.
The message is that four quick, simple, cost-free actions that take 10 seconds
can give save a life. And those actions?
- Always put all children in a proper child seat or harness: In a 50 kilometre an hour crash, a four year old weighing 20 kilograms would hit the first solid object with a force of 400 kilograms. Using a properly fitted child seat or restraint can reduce fatal injuries by up to 75%. So check the child seat in your car. Is it securely fitted? Is it the right size? Are you using it? We know that the kids might complain for a while. But that's better than the horrific alternative
- Always place any loose items in the car boot. When a car comes to a sudden halt in an accident, a map book on the back shelf will hit car occupants with the force of a karate kick. A camera becomes a hand grenade, an umbrella a deadly missile. The family shopping can kill. Put them in the boot.
- Always adjust the seat and the head restraint. It is a head restraint not a head rest and it is there to prevent or reduce whiplash which is the most common form of injury in a car crash. Even at speeds as low as ten kilometres an hour there is real danger of serious injury.
- Always wear your seat belt and see that everyone in the car is wearing theirs. We repeat, always use the seat belts.
The AA emphasises that it is not just
about wearing seat belts in the front of the car. Rear seat belts also save
lives - and yet we estimate that, throughout South Africa, only about 65% of
people use seat belts.
Seat belt use is essential on every
journey, no matter how short or how slow - and it is vital for everyone in a
car. It will save passengers - but it will also save drivers. An unrestrained
passenger in a car involved in a collision can hit others with the force of a
small elephant.
1. 50,000 lives saved equates to 7 lives saved every day for the last 20
2. In a crash at 30mph, if unrestrained, you will be thrown forward with a
force up to 60 times your own bodyweight.
3. In 2001, wearing a seatbelt in the front saved an estimated 2,278 lives.
4. The latest surveys show over 90 per cent of adult front seat passengers
and drivers wore seatbelts and 57 per cent of adult back seat passengers. Women
(94%) are more conscientious than men (86%) at wearing a seatbelt.
5. In the back, over 90% of children wear seatbelts or child restraints.
For the youngest children aged 0 to 4 years the wearing rate is 97%.
6. As many as 15 front seat occupants are killed annually by the impact of
an unbelted rear seat passenger.
7. If the back seat wearing rate could match the front seat rate, 30 more
adults could be saved each year.
8. The wearing rate for van drivers is currently 63% and for their
passengers it is only 55%. If the wearing rate could match that for cars then
20 more lives could be saved annually.
9. It is an offence to not wear a seatbelt.
10. Seatbelt wearing rates are higher in rural areas 93 per cent than in
urban areas 89 per cent.
Many international studies have indicated the effectiveness of seatbelts
in reducing injury and hospital admissions from motor vehicle crashes. One of
the most comprehensive and informative studies is the Statewide Analysis of
Seatbelt Non-use with Injury and Hospital Admissions, performed in Wisconsin.
The Key Elements of
this Study:
Objectives: To investigate
the association of seatbelt nonuse with injury patterns, injury severity, and
in-patient hospital admission among adults presenting to emergency departments
(EDs) in a statewide, population-based, sample of motor vehicle crashes.
Methods: Using data from
the 2002 Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES) for Wisconsin, 23,920
occupants of motor vehicle crashes, aged 16 years or older, who were treated in
an emergency department, were analyzed.
Compared with belted occupants presenting to an emergency department, their unbelted counterparts were more likely to be male (56% vs. 40%) and to have used alcohol (17% vs. 4%).- Unbelted occupants were younger (31 years vs. 38 years) and incurred higher emergency department charges ($681 vs. $509) than belted occupants.
- Unbelted occupants have a higher proportion of single-vehicle crashes, such as rollovers (44% vs. 22%), and rural crashes (56% vs. 44%).
- Unbelted occupants comprised 20% of study patients treated in the emergency department and discharged, 44% of patients treated in the emergency department and admitted, and 68% of patients dying in the emergency department.
- Unbelted occupants were more likely to be admitted (odds ratio = 2.6) than belted individuals and were more likely to suffer severe injuries to the head, face, thorax, abdomen, spine, upper and lower extremities
Among patients presenting to an emergency department after a motor vehicle crash, unbelted occupants are more likely to require inpatient admission and to have sustained a severe injury to numerous body regions than are belted occupants.
- Injuries and death from motor vehicle crashes present an enormous challenge to health care systems and create a significant societal and economic burden for a country.
- Increasing seat belt usage and compliance would, therefore, have substantial health and economic consequences.
A word of appreciation to the
following researchers:
Shane Allen, MPH, Shankuan Zhu, MD, PhD, Carley Sauter, BS, Peter Layde, MD,
MSc, Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH
And The Injury
Research Center , Department of Family and community Medicine , and Department
of Emergency Medicine ,Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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